


At Board level. Our values, strategy and policies are driven by our Board and embedded throughout the Group.   Our health, safety and environment (HSE) ...

At Board level

Our values, strategy and policies are driven by our Board and embedded throughout the Group.  Our health, safety and environment (HSE) committee helps the Board monitor our responsible business strategy, recommending changes where necessary.

At Group level

Our Group director of sustainability and procurement, is responsible for driving our responsible business strategy throughout our divisions. The Group director chairs our responsible business steering group whose members include representatives from all divisions.  The steering group meets regularly to monitor progress against our strategy, share best practice and advise the HSE committee on external factors that may influence strategy going forward.  We also have a health and safety forum, HR forum each focusing on specific issues.  All forums include representatives from both Group level and the divisions and enjoy two-way dialogue and feedback with the steering group.

At divisional level

Each division has its own responsible business committee that reports direct to the steering group on performance. Every employee is made aware of our commitments and the part they can play in achieving the targets.

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At Board level. Our values, strategy and policies are driven by our Board and embedded throughout the Group.   Our health, safety and environment (HSE)
To achieve our goals, we focus on the following five strategic objectives. We target growing markets and pursue opportunities that suit our experience and expertise.