Looking for a company that continually provides you with genuine challenge, growth and development opportunities, as well as the potential to have self-care? Come explore the ...
At NTS, we believe our employees are our greatest assets. We place enormous value on the welfare and commitment of our employees as well as the superior level of service they provide for our customers. Our employees all benefit from extensive on the job training and our apprentice schemes are amongst the best in the industry. We pride ourselves on many of our staff remaining with us throughout their careers, often progressing from entry level in our divisions to senior management positions.
Non-discrimination policy
Ourbiosphere Environmental (Pty) Ltd, it is our policy not to tolerate discrimination by its employees when they are serving individuals who are eligible for its programs based on any non-merit factor, including race, national origin, colour, sex, sexual orientation religion, disability (physical or mental), gender identity, age, status as a parent, or genetic information. All of the Company employees are responsible for complying with this policy in discharging their job duties. Individuals who believe they have been subjected to discrimination on an aforementioned prohibited basis should contact the Company’s managing Director’s Office.
If you are interested in a career, starting at a variety of levels, at one of our subsidiary companies, please refer to the websites of our divisions below for further information.